Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Basics of public Intoxication

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The Basics of public Intoxication

If you have just went out with your friends and gotten drunk in public, this is technically classified as public intoxication which is a serious offense in the state of Texas. There are many types of behavior that can be thought about public intoxication and you need to make sure that you are aware of all the consequences that will go along with this type of behavior.

The Basics of public Intoxication

The first thing that you should understand is that public intoxication is thought about when a someone is acting disorderly in a public place because of alcohol or illegal drug substance. This means that the someone ingested or used some type of alcohol or drug and was therefore acting in a way that was causing them to make a nuisance of themselves. Although some people say that getting a Pi is only for those who were drunk in public, but they are incorrect. When you are drunk in public, a police officer can see this behavior and will most likely give you a label and arrest you. The presume that they will arrest you is because they think you to be a danger to both yourself and others. The police want to make sure that you don't cause harm to anyone together with yourself.

The next factor that you should understand is that when they arrest you, you are not going to be able to leave the jail immediately after. The police are quite likely to hold you in the jail for up to 6 hours in order to make sure that you sober up enough to get yourself back to your home in safe manor without hurting any other bystanders. If you are over the age of 21 the penalties are not as severe as if you are a minor and arrested for public Intoxication.

Being arrested for public Intoxication is thought about a Class C Misdemeanor. Depending on what your past criminal description looks like will decide what your sentence will be on your Pi. The process for a Pi is that you first are arrested. During your time spent in jail, they will also write you a label that you will be assigned to take care of as well as a court date that you will need to attend. If you fail to appear at the assigned court date, the police will automatically put out warrant for your arrest for your lack of appearance in the court room. During your court hearing you will be given a sentence by the judge depending on how lenient the judge is toward your case. The sentence can be everywhere up to 0 in a fine that you will be required to pay the court. They will also probably give you some type of alcohol awareness classes that you will be required to take.

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