Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Critique - The Shack by William P Young

When I began to read this story, I could not put it down and read it quickly from cover to cover. In fact, I immediately sent a copy to my son. Then, I must have read it is at least five more times; and with every reading I became more suspicious that something is very wrong with the depiction and description of god in his some personalities. I began to note my comments in the margins and any open spaces as I went along.

The big issue being the very loving, non-discriminatory nature of god Jehovah depicted in the book compared with god's very discriminatory nature as revealed in the Old Testament. No matter how wide an interpretation one takes of god's nature in the Old Testament one cannot reconcile god's nature in the book to this very stern god in the Old Testament! God does not just stand by at the side lines as pain, hurt and cruelty express themselves in human existence, he sets up the situations so they will occur. It is all in the O. T. And as understood from the experiences by every one of us.

I love the manner in which god in the book, straight through Jesus attacks the corporate structure as means of expressing power and wealth by the authorities of these institutions. The corporate structure is the human way to come to be like god by those having operate over it. It is the means by which the cowards gain operate over the citizen entrapped and enslaved in it. Corporate structure always extracts much more wealth from the citizen than what it returns to the people. In all its guises the nature, character and personality of any convention is evil.

There is a book published in the 1970th called "Systemantics" I believe. It basically states that systems and institutions are brought into existence for a definite purpose. But invariably, when one looks back at the history of any system one can see that it never works agreeing to the initial purposes. The more it diverges from its original purpose, the bigger, the more excellent and the ore entrenched it becomes. In not to long a time any system that perpetuates becomes more intrusive, more powerful, more precious to run and tends ever more to do exactly the opposite it was designed to originally do. Us government, the Federal retain system and the Cia are shining examples of that. Any system that gathers power will always be used to operate rather than to advantage the people.

As believers and followers of Jesus Christ we trust in him to be true to his words and promises, yet this book, The Shack", tells us that although god loves us and although we can ask for anything in his name, we rarely if ever see our prayers answered. I cannot accept some one's love when that man can help in a desperate situation and has the power to correct, help or alleviate pain or disaster and then always stands by and does nothing. That is not the kind of man I would want to rely on as a cornerstone of love and retain in life-not the way it is described in this book.

I like the way the William P. Young handles the situation inside the mountain where Mack, the main character is confronted with Sophia, the personification of god's wisdom. Mack is criticized for always being too quick to judge in normal and too quick to judge god. However, no matter how we look at god when a disaster has struck in our lives we cannot help but make a judgment about the purported nature of god and his indifferent reaction to it and to us as believers. In no way can I view Jesus as a buddy, friend and loved one, when he stands by when danger and deceit assault us and allows us to fall into danger without lifting a finger.

There is something about the nature of god and our situation in the corporal environment that we as believers in god do not understand at all. This god claims to work in mysterious ways. If god is a mystery, then god is withholding data about himself and about the nature of his association with us. Without blushing god tells Mack that his godhead is surrounded with all kinds of mystery. Difficulty is a withholding of vital data in a communion in a association of supposed trust. The very word Difficulty means that the purposes of the actions of god are not revealed and thus he is withholding aspects of his nature in his communion with his followers. citizen may see Difficulty about god as a cause for reverence, but I see Difficulty as a betrayal of trust. If I do not ever know what god is up to how can I trust the bugger?

Life is a journey and an taste in chaos, helplessness and evil perpetrated by you on others, and in endured evil perpetrated by others and from the environment in general. The nature of corporal environment does not allow for any other normal scenario. The spirit that designed and operates this environment has set it up this way with a sure object in mind. It is certainly not created by any early human intervention of any sort as the book has god purport. Humanity, from its inception, has been under pressures to exist emanating from the very environment in which the citizen found themselves from birth on up.

Environment was there before man came on the scene. Poisons are private in plants, risky chemicals, animals and germs and viruses are naturally gift in nature. Dangers are gift straight through private pitfalls, deliberate booby-traps, private predators, and other enemies in community and in environment. Environment is our life-stay and a great encroacher on our health and safety. The natural laws we are under can cause us all kinds of pain and hurt and even our death if we accidentally lose balance and fall off a ledge. No god is there to catch us, and return us safely to the ground. If it ever does happen we can rest assured that circumstances together built a scenario to cause us to survive a sure deadly fall or other danger one has fallen into or was forced into.

Environment also includes the inside of our bodies--bodies that are always infested by foreign life such as bacteria and viruses some of which can and will kill us. Environment even includes our acquired fears, imagined horrors, and our full psychic, emotional, rational and corporal make-up. All things the body contains comes from surface the body or is memorized from experiences endured in the environment. A bite from a poisonous snake brings venom from the outer environment to the inner environment causing all kinds of pain, psychological and emotional trauma, horrors and even death. The venom was designed to do just what it is doing inside the body of the victim. It is all designed and correlated to coexist in a sure combination and coexistence designed from above and not from below by man. This was done by the designer--god.

Physical life is environment and as souls we are trapped in it. It is not a blessing. The confidence that life is a blessing is spiritual propaganda that has roughly universally come to be human propaganda. This propaganda makes us believe that if we try we can find happiness and pleasure in corporal life together with god. It is a lie and a scam. We generally find pleasure in life only by extracting resources from our fellow men and/or exploiting nature's resources; and this is generally done straight through unscrupulous means and indeed without the aid from god. If one assigns one's wealth and happiness from god than god is playing favorites and this book, The Shack, tells us he does not do that.

Fear of death is instilled propaganda. There is nothing to death. One is naturally taken out of the game scenario and again placed in it or removed from it to the much higher environment of pure truth. The book The Shack is in perfect contradiction to the reality of corporal environment in which we have been dumped straight through a spiritual deceit believed. We were never intended to be independent, yet we were forced by environment to find our way independently from god. God seemed never to be there for us to depend on him. We pray and kowtow in times of distress but it is all done to a very cold ear and view from god.

My wife has suffered, unceasingly, from pain and highly unpleasant sensations in her body for a half year now. No amount of prayer, and help from doctors and corporal therapists have helped. It seems that the more citizen pray for her, and the more efforts by professionals is expended on her the worse her pains and sensations get. I, and even more so, my wife are desperate. She is under care of some doctors, a psychiatrist, and a corporal therapist with a whole slate full of diplomas and credentials. There is no help in the universe advent to her aid that has any effect. She is in no way responsible for her situation and yet deity shows no interest in alleviating the distress of her condition. What is the cause and origin of her pain. I can only imagine that it has a spiritual connection.

Environment includes other people, community at large, and institutional military that overpower and cause the personel and sometimes whole groups of citizen to cower in fear and submission to the authority expressed straight through the institution. Life in normal causes all manner of situations that arise unexpectedly that endanger safety, health and sometimes give us an unfair advantage over others. The final outcome of life's taste is truly a dog eat dog existence in a very untrustworthy and generally hostile environment. Environment is under the greater operate of spirit.

We are mere sojourners in it. The bigger the dog (super-wealthy person), the less that personel is ever likely to collect the spiritual lessons that environment can bestow on him/her. Life can be said to be worth it when one has received and understood the spiritual message so that one can leave the classroom "earth" to move up in true spirit where the lessons learned will guide us in our liberty and spiritual relationships. Once evil is understood in all its aspects and appearances, one will not ever have anything to do with it again. That is the viewpoint soul must learn from its association with universal spirit expressed straight through corporal environment. Once that is fully comprehended one can be safely let loose in the spiritual environment which is the true god and father.

If one fails the lesson by trying to be too much at one with the corporal environment one will naturally be re-injected in the corporal environment after death and one will have to go the route all over again until one either graduates, or dies as spirit by playing the fool rather than paying concentration to our experiences and reaping the spiritual goal of the game. The gift of human life is a treasure to be taken very serious spiritually or one will succumb while ignoring the great responsibility to one's spiritual self.

The premises declared by Pappa, Jesus and Sarayu in the book, The Shack, about the fall of man because he wanted his independence away from god are based on a farce. Adam and Woman were seduced away from paradise much like a child may be seduced away from security and then kidnapped. The kidnapper in the case of our souls is the serpent, Jehovah; except, I believe, he did it agreeing to a spiritual scenario for good. That is the only excuse we can give Jehovah. He is the true god's "son-of-a-bitchingly" tough devotee sergeant.

Yes! The god of the universe is like an army master-sergeant in payment of a set of spiritual recruits preparing them for spiritual responsible stature. He is the serpent pseudo-deceiving souls away from paradise and capturing their souls' minds into a virtual universal reality to make them learn to understand the spiritual values of evil and good. One cannot ever fully understand the nature of spiritual good unless one first fully understands the spiritual nature of evil.

Evil is a virtual spiritual concept. It can never exist in true reality. Since evil is so bad and can be describes as being lost to true reality, one must be fully impregnated with the sadness of being absent from one's true god and father in a virtual setting. Jehovah is giving mankind a lesson in experiencing the absence of god by allowing them to play their human lives in a seemingly, hostile virtual environment, while promising them his help and blessings and then never helping them or ever blessing them. Human existence, even in the nature of rich and excellent people, is the dredge as compared to life in spirit, while spiritual death is too evil to be contemplated. Our souls still lie safely and comatose in paradise dreaming up this task of corporal existence over and again until we, as souls, have absorbed the lessons to be learned from the experience, or die spiritually when the lesson cannot be grasped. We have no right to exist in spirit if we cannot be good as god is good and with the full insight what evil is.

Jesus, as spirit, came to us in human form to urge lax souls to take the lessons of human life more serious so that their soul can again be admitted into reality and elevated to the top level of spiritual existence in the very presence of the true god in the realm of pure truth.

Man is not a spiritual being. Man derives his drive of life from spirit but other than that the spirit that enlivens the body is more of an observer than an actor. Man, any biological creature, acts and reacts agreeing to the impulses forced on his awareness form environment; impulses from inside or surface the body, often, not advent to his awareness until it is too late to do something about it, and from hormone enforced impulses to which he is a mere puppet rather than a known actor. Environment acts more like a educator or dictator rather than a passive or benevolent surrounding in which to taste life. Environment, which indeed is a god, is trying to teach us some system that we had an inclination to understand in spirit. That is why the souls of humans are more observers in this game scenario than actors. Life's experience, in grand total, is an taste that is ridden with fear from start to stop because we are seemingly abandoned by god, our father, in an environment in which we are at the mercy of unknown military and pitfalls. As I said, this environment is god, the devotee sergeant. He is always with us and is always prodding us to get the picture of the game so that soul can graduate into true spirit.

All biological life forms, and this consist of man and his infinite forms of institutional force and control, are left floating in the zephyr of unknown or misunderstood rules and threats of arrest and even death. Wherever we turn or go authority in single or many forms either follows us or enfolds us upon arrival. Authority refuses to be ignored because it is "raw, in your face power" as anything can get. The imagine for its impudence is deceit straight through propaganda, betrayal of promises and guarantees, and force expressed by those who have amassed themselves under the power of authority straight through avarice, gutlessness and cowardice. Order of the governing authorities is maintained under power of the sword, spiritual threats, and straight through the normal cowardice of the citizen employed and subordinated.

Environment is a very undependable authority. It is whimsical and it is the devotee sergeant Jehovah. We and environment are one; and the environment is the Holy Spirit. Environment is always with us, in us, and colse to us. We cannot escape it, not even in death. Jehovah is in us and colse to us as the total environment.

The human, governing authorities are constituted by deceitful and traitorous individuals who became excellent by amassing wealth at the exploitation of their fellowmen and then increase power straight through sheer intimidation and promises of great rewards. These excellent creatures orchestrate the firm of government from behind the scenes of supposedly democratic government. This is normal and we cannot dissent against it because it is the only manner in which community in normal can be conducted in a somewhat peaceful but individually stifling manner. Authority is always constituted in a hierarchy. Hierarchy is the order in the universe and it is evil. It is not found in any place else in reality. Authority, then, is part of environment-god. This is not brought home to us in the book The Shack.

Biological life, in general, does not make sense because from the bottom life forms to the top institutions of man and spirit it is a dog eat dog world. Any entity will assault an additional one for the sake of biological life itself. Not only does man escort its firm and community in this manner but it is as god has said "as below so it is way up high in spirit". The governing spirit 'biological life' is environment, and is constituted of daemons that have deceived the "spirit" in humanity to betray their true god and father and to follow these pseudo-spiritual deceivers in creating and inhabiting as human projections a corporal universe. There is nothing real in the universe but the experiences gleaned from the game are real as for example are the experiences gained by learner pilots from operating a flight simulator. They may have never flown a real plane but when trained in the simulator they do know how to safely fly one. corporal environment is like a flight simulator for spirit.

Because of the spiritual deceit that the spirits of humans fell for in paradise they indeed died away from the true and honest spiritual realms into the darkness of deceit and coercion found in the corporal universe (Genesis 3: 1-8, Good News Bible). Darkness and deceit is never real. Deceit is in the realm of fiction because anything flows forth from the confidence in a lie cannot ever be real. It exists somewhere in worb space or so. So, believe me, the universe is in that worb space. The universe is not true reality. If you will just think about it and about your own experiences in the world you must agree with that.

The expression of any and all authority is law and law enforcement; and it is constituted in the form of a hierarchy. Jehovah has lots of laws, ordinances and rules for his citizen and he most stringently enforces his laws (Deuteronomy 28 and 29); and in addition he demands tribute and an honorary position in his tabernacles and later on in temples, synagogues and churches. He is not different from any dictator found in any period on earth. As Jesus associated to us, this law--to its least little dot and coma--is always enforced in the universe. Jesus' death has no association with humans being set free of these laws. It is a Christian fiction/deceit and forms a part of Christendom's recruiting and indoctrination propaganda. The word "Jehovah" stands for a hierarchy of authoritarian spirits that holds the spirits in humans in bondage to this fictional environment we call earth. Jehovah does not love us but has great trouble in controlling us and he fears us because if we ever wake up his position of god over us will vanish instantly. If the confidence in him and his universe vanishes from the minds of the deceived spirits the universe will vanish and Jehovah will be utterly undone-lost and bound in outer darkness or, maybe, he will be saluted and honored for a job well done. Look back at your life and see how even the events you believed you had operate over are lost in never-ending confusion, opposition of wills and betrayal of those you trusted and in the end have never been resolved.

Because of the true god's love for the spirit in utterly lost humans, our god in true reality found a way to descend into the darkness of the deceit, the universe, and earth in particular, in an endeavor to reclaim his association in truth with our spirits (John 8 in the New Testament/Good news Bible). The spirit of our true god and father in true and honest spirit was manifested in the body of Jesus. The spirit in Jesus thus (seemingly) is an adversary (an antichrist) of the god of this universe, Jehovah. That is why Jesus would never share in the trinity of evil in which Jehovah was able to draw the spirit in Jesus as a health by which he was allowed into this liar's universe. Jesus was forced to portray the role of Christ assigned to him if he wanted to enter the domain of Jehovah. But after the expiration of Jesus' body on the cross, Jesus' contract with this devil, Jehovah, was consummated. There is thus no added imagine for Jesus to entertain a union of a trinity with this god of darkness and its expression of authority, the Holy Spirit. The basic factory of the book The Shack by William P. Young, declaring that there is a friendly, loving association in the middle of the spirit in Jesus and this devil, Jehovah, and his enforcing spirit "the Holy Spirit" is thus not possible. We must always remember that the devil comes to us in the disguise of an angel of light and goodness-a conman.

How can there be any true relating among humans when every human being is not his personal self but walks colse to like programmed robots utterly brainwashed straight through political, religious racial and a hundred other ideological or ethnically induced propaganda schemes. No one is honest and up front and when you happen to be of that caliber no one wants to impart to you. They cannot even wait to get away from you. None of these influences can be blamed on the brain-washed personel but on society, schooling, religious upbringing, financial status and a myriad other things. We grow up with a million repressed feelings and attitudes and a million fears private in the tissues of our bodies giving us pains, hurts, insecurities and unspeakable sorrows.

Human existence cannot be said to be anything else but a conglomeration of humans existing in their own personal hells. No, Pappa, Jesus and Sarayu cannot blame us for trying to be independent. Pappa, Jesus and Sarayu cannot blame us either for the way babes grow up in this society. Conditioning is done to us individually on a mass scale and adults grown up in this manner cannot be spiritually held responsible for they way they turn out. The only one that can be held responsible is god, himself, for not stepping in the breach of each child's misfortunes and manufacture sure they reach adulthood agreeing to god's wisdom and not just straight through myriad unrelated circumstances that destroy any occasion for a child to grow into mature, sane adult.

Jehovah did not create, and humanity does not live in the sweetie-pie fantasy world as depicted by William P. Young in his book The Shack. We, as humans, are immersed in the ideas of evil and we must come to learn to reject evil in any of its many guises.

The Shack also describes a celebratory event where people, animals and even the environment take on bodies of light that sparkle and convert agreeing to the mood and excitement of the creatures. This light has the capacity to reach to other citizen and enfold an additional one person. Angels surround the congregation in steady blue light. I can believe that this may be true because Jesus himself transfigured himself in a body of sparkling white light.

Much is spoken, written and discussed about our light bodies, that are either gift already or can be obtained straight through Yoga or Prana exercises. Many meta-physicians claim to be able to see our auras of light. Prana, some claim, is god-energy that surrounds us all, the world and even the universe. However, I claim that Prana is vigor emanating from souls who are engaged to task the universe. It is claimed and true to be god's / Jehovah's presence in all creation or environment. In a sense this is true as Jehovah directs and control's the display of the universe straight through his power over us souls. This, however, does not automatically consist of that the true god in true reality is present. It is more propaganda, cosmic propaganda as I call it, straight through which Jehovah is trying to form in our minds that he is the god of all that exists. The true god exists in truth, not in a fictional /virtual setting.

The book is a good read. I advise it. However much of the discussions and system associated to us in the book would much best fit if the author would have raised the level of god as seen in this book from the universal plane to the true spiritual plane. If the author had done that I would have had very little or no critique on the book at all. I must admit that he knows how to spin a good yarn. Having this critique while reading the book, the book has heavy spiritual value for each of us.

As a final note, Jesus created paradise and Adam and Woman from his own substance as god, but the serpent kidnapped what was not his and used it to enliven a dead universe by introducing the enslaved/captured souls in it. The spirit in Jesus naturally came to set the description straight in souls' minds. He has had very little success until recently, when I found out the truth. This description has come to be part of environment/god. Environment changes, therefore god changes. Only the ultimate god (and father) in truth does not change.

published here A Critique - The Shack by William P Young published here

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